The true crime tale of a little boy who announced one day that he used to be another little boy until he was killed. Did Atlas Auberry meet Kareen Washington, his “old mom”? #truecrime #reincarnation #atlasauberry #jaylenrobinson #crime #listenable
The true crime tale of a little boy who announced one day that he used to be another little boy until he was killed. Did Atlas Auberry meet Kareen Washington, his “old mom”? #truecrime #reincarnation #atlasauberry #jaylenrobinson #crime #listenable
The true crime tale of a hotel that seems to be trying to avenge its own dark past. Does fake cancer doctor Norman Baker still haunt its halls? #truecrime #crescenthotel #hauntedhouse #haunted #ghosts #normanbaker #crime #listenable
The true crime tale of two sisters killed in the icy waters of the Mississippi and the man who was sentenced death for it. But did he really do it? #truecrime # #crime #listenable
The true crime tale of the bombshell pin-up girl, businesswoman, and icon. Was she overrated? Was she assassinated? truecrime #marilynmonroe #pinupgirl #mystery #mysteriousdeath #crime #listenable
The true crime tale of Italy’s fiery scamming telemarketer, so brazen that she didn’t even bother selling a real product. How did she become the cultural icon of a country? #truecrime #wannamarchi #italy #scam #crime #listenable
The true crime tale of a granddaughter who texted her grandmother’s phone after it was buried with her . . . and actually got a reply! And how to keep from being buried alive. #truecrime #safetycoffins #buriedalive #crime #murder #listenable
The true crime tale of a charitable woman from a powerful family who was found bound and bloody in her home. Were powerful forces behind the conviction? #truecrime #jillhalliburton #jillhalliburtonsu #crime #murder #listenable
The true crime tale of the tech millionaire who went on the run to avoid having to answer for his neighbor’s death before succumbing to his own suspicious demise. #truecrime #johnmcafee #listenable
The true crime tale of a young California beauty whose murder was a mystery until DNA testing finally caught up four decades later. #truecrime #michellewyatt #coldcase #listenable
His ranty fire and brimstone sermons didn’t spare anyone, including his teachers. Did he really want to be yelling on the streets of his small town, or was he groomed to? #truecrime #duffeystrode #childpreacher #listenable