The true crime story of a woman who murdered an attacker in her home and claimed she was just defending herself. Did she have the right to? #truecrime #brittanysmith #standyourground #murder #crime #listenable
The true crime story of a woman who murdered an attacker in her home and claimed she was just defending herself. Did she have the right to? #truecrime #brittanysmith #standyourground #murder #crime #listenable
The true crime story of a murdered soldier the Army said had just gone AWOL. But why was she killed? #truecrime #vanessaguillen #usarmy #military #murder #crime #listenable
The true crime story of a lifting legend who admitted to killing her cheating husband. But was she justified? #truecrime #sallymcneil #killersally #netflix #bodybuilding #crime #listenable #documentary
The true crime tale of the bombshell pin-up girl, businesswoman, and icon. Was she overrated? Was she assassinated? truecrime #marilynmonroe #pinupgirl #mystery #mysteriousdeath #crime #listenable
The true crime tale of Italy’s fiery scamming telemarketer, so brazen that she didn’t even bother selling a real product. How did she become the cultural icon of a country? #truecrime #wannamarchi #italy #scam #crime #listenable
The true crime tale of the tech millionaire who went on the run to avoid having to answer for his neighbor’s death before succumbing to his own suspicious demise. #truecrime #johnmcafee #listenable
A true story with as many twists and turns as stolen identities. Multiple false paternity claims. Multiple murders. And one true monster. #truecrime #sharonmarshall #suzannesevakis #sharondavis #franklindelanofloyd #franklinfloyd #kidnapping #netflix
Sarma Melngailis, Netflix’s Bad Vegan, owned one of NYC’s hottest restaurants, but her husband manipulated and controlled her to the point that she lost it all. Or was she the one manipulating everyone else? And what does Louis C.K. have to do with it? #truecrime #badvegan #sarmamelngailis
Anna Delvey / Anna Sorokin was a German oil heiress. Or a Russian diplomat heiress. Or an antiques heiress. Only she sometimes didn’t have any money. Find out the truth behind the “Inventing Anna” story. #truecrime #annadelvey #annasorokin